Coincidence is a romantic comedy about a teenage girl called Aliyah who keeps bumping into a guy called James outside of school. Aliyah does stupid things every time she see's him. What James does not know is that Aliyah has strong feelings for him, but will her feelings change when Aliyah starts bumping into James girlfriend Sarah? Will Aliyah have the guts to tell him that she may have feelings for him?
Saturday, 15 November 2014
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Film trailer and poster analysis
Film poster key conventions:
There are many key conventions such as the title of the film which is "taken", we know this is the title because it is the only word that is in the colour orange. The slogan for "Taken" is "I don't know who you are but if you don't let my daughter go I will find you and I will kill you". The slogan and the title tells the audience about what the film may be about and they would want to know what happens the whole film. The central image for "Taken" is a shot of the main character, the main character is holding a gun which shows the audience that the film genre is action/thriller. The release date is shown in the bottom of the film poster. This is shown on the bottom of the poster because the age certificate is also shown next to it and this shows the audience that the release date is then and how old you have to be to watch it.
I think the film poster have successfully promoted the film because they have added everything that will make the public come and see the movie.
Film trailer key conventions:
This trailer has a lot of institutional details such as clips of the characters, setting of the film and it also tells us at the end of the trailer saying who directed it. Fast paced editing has been used a lot to show a bit of the characters and it also shows a lot of violence to show what the main character does to save his daughter. The title, release date and the production blurb are all shown towards the end. Sound effects and music have been used for the trailer. An example of diegestic sounds from the trailer is used when: the main character hears his daughter screaming across the phone. A non-diegestic sound was not used for the trailer. Key conventions such as fast paced editing has been used to show the audience the violence that is in the film.
Film institution: Taken
Your chosen movie:
1) What film have you chosen?
The movie I chose is Taken
2) Why did you choose this film in particular?
I chose "taken" because the film is interesting and has a lot of parts where you don't know what is going to happen next.
Institutional Background:
1) What was the film studio or production company behind your chosen film?
The production company behind "Taken" was EuropaCorp.Distribution, M6 films, Grive production, CANAL+, TPS star, All pictures media and wintergreen production.
2) Who was the distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the UK?
The distributor for "Taken" is Europa.Corp distribution, 20th centry fox and independent films.
No Brand Loyalty:
1) What genre does your chosen film fit into?
Taken would fit under action, thriller and crime.
2) How can you tell it fits that genre? Be specific with reference to the trailer.
It fits with those genre's because there is a lot things that describe that the film is like that. For example; crime is shown when the villains who kidnapped the main characters daughter, thriller is shown when the main character meets the villain and he talks and quickly kills them all and action is shown when the main character fights with the villains.
3) Is your chosen movie a sequel?
Yes, Taken is a sequel.
3a) If Yes, how does the film use the original movie or franchise as part of its marketing? Taken market this film again because the first film was such a hit and many people loved the film.
Its all a matter of timing:
1) What was the UK release date for your chosen film?
The UK release date for Taken was 30 January 2009.
2) When did the first trailer appear on YouTube for your movie? The first trailer for Taken was released in
3) What other examples of marketing (teaser trailers, main trailers, newspaper or TV interviews etc.) can you find for your chosen film from before the film’s release date?
Examples of marketing would be Posters, advertising the trailer on T.V, YouTube adverts before a video and trailers before a movie at the Cinema.
Its a social thing:
1) What was the word-of-mouth like for your chosen film?
2) Find three quotes (no more than 25 words each) from user reviews of your movie to create a picture of what the public reaction to the film has been. Post them on your blog.
Quote 1) The most thrilling movie I've seen in a long time. Neeson is what we would fear if bond went to hell.
Quote 2) WOW- I had already read reviews of this movie, and with the writer being one of my favourite directors, Luc Beeson.
Quote 3) I saw this movie tonight at the sneak preview and I was completely surprised and blown away.
Risky Business
1) What was the original budget for your chosen film?
The original budget for Taken was $25,000,000.
2)How much money did the film make in the opening week?
Taken had made $24,717,037 on the opening week.
3)How much money has the film made in total?
Taken had made $145,000,989 all together.
Stars in their eyes
1) What films has the director previously directed? Are they in same or similar genres?
The director Pierre Morel had previously directed; The transporter, Transporter 2 and Before sunset. Both Transporter movies are in the same genre as Taken and the other movie Before sunset's film has a different genre which is a romantic drama. Which is the complete opposite.
2) Who is the main star in the movie?
The main star in the movie is Liam Neeson.
3) What other films has the main star appeared in? Are any of the films similar to the one you are researching?
The main star Liam Neeson has appeared in Star wars: I the phantom Menace, Schindler's List, Batman begins, Non-stop, The grey and Unknown. The Unknown is similar to what I am researching because it has the same genre.
4) Are the stars or the director or the writer mentioned in the trailer for the film?
The Stars and Directors are only mentioned in the trailer.
1) What film have you chosen?
The movie I chose is Taken
2) Why did you choose this film in particular?
I chose "taken" because the film is interesting and has a lot of parts where you don't know what is going to happen next.
Institutional Background:
1) What was the film studio or production company behind your chosen film?
The production company behind "Taken" was EuropaCorp.Distribution, M6 films, Grive production, CANAL+, TPS star, All pictures media and wintergreen production.
2) Who was the distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the UK?
The distributor for "Taken" is Europa.Corp distribution, 20th centry fox and independent films.
No Brand Loyalty:
1) What genre does your chosen film fit into?
Taken would fit under action, thriller and crime.
2) How can you tell it fits that genre? Be specific with reference to the trailer.
It fits with those genre's because there is a lot things that describe that the film is like that. For example; crime is shown when the villains who kidnapped the main characters daughter, thriller is shown when the main character meets the villain and he talks and quickly kills them all and action is shown when the main character fights with the villains.
3) Is your chosen movie a sequel?
Yes, Taken is a sequel.
3a) If Yes, how does the film use the original movie or franchise as part of its marketing? Taken market this film again because the first film was such a hit and many people loved the film.
Its all a matter of timing:
1) What was the UK release date for your chosen film?
The UK release date for Taken was 30 January 2009.
2) When did the first trailer appear on YouTube for your movie? The first trailer for Taken was released in
3) What other examples of marketing (teaser trailers, main trailers, newspaper or TV interviews etc.) can you find for your chosen film from before the film’s release date?
Examples of marketing would be Posters, advertising the trailer on T.V, YouTube adverts before a video and trailers before a movie at the Cinema.
Its a social thing:
1) What was the word-of-mouth like for your chosen film?
2) Find three quotes (no more than 25 words each) from user reviews of your movie to create a picture of what the public reaction to the film has been. Post them on your blog.
Quote 1) The most thrilling movie I've seen in a long time. Neeson is what we would fear if bond went to hell.
Quote 2) WOW- I had already read reviews of this movie, and with the writer being one of my favourite directors, Luc Beeson.
Quote 3) I saw this movie tonight at the sneak preview and I was completely surprised and blown away.
Risky Business
1) What was the original budget for your chosen film?
The original budget for Taken was $25,000,000.
2)How much money did the film make in the opening week?
Taken had made $24,717,037 on the opening week.
3)How much money has the film made in total?
Taken had made $145,000,989 all together.
Stars in their eyes
1) What films has the director previously directed? Are they in same or similar genres?
The director Pierre Morel had previously directed; The transporter, Transporter 2 and Before sunset. Both Transporter movies are in the same genre as Taken and the other movie Before sunset's film has a different genre which is a romantic drama. Which is the complete opposite.
2) Who is the main star in the movie?
The main star in the movie is Liam Neeson.
3) What other films has the main star appeared in? Are any of the films similar to the one you are researching?
The main star Liam Neeson has appeared in Star wars: I the phantom Menace, Schindler's List, Batman begins, Non-stop, The grey and Unknown. The Unknown is similar to what I am researching because it has the same genre.
4) Are the stars or the director or the writer mentioned in the trailer for the film?
The Stars and Directors are only mentioned in the trailer.
Assignment 2: Genre and NCIS
The maze runner
About a teenage girl is diagnosed with cancer and goes to a cancer support group and then meets a teenage boy that has come with his friend to support him. Then they fall in love.
The main character in this film is a teenage girl (hazel) who has cancer and has to carry a machine with her which helps her breath properly and wont make her lungs close up. The other main character is a teenage boy (Augustus) who did have cancer but then went away and he starts falling in love with the main character (Hazel). The other character is another teenage boy who is described as both main characters friend.
There is not that many that had been used for the film but there was one thing that was used for the whole part of the movie which is was a machine that was used for Hazel to breath easily.
The setting for this film trailer is mostly set in Amsterdam and in a hospital in America.
The main character in this film is a teenage girl (hazel) who has cancer and has to carry a machine with her which helps her breath properly and wont make her lungs close up. The other main character is a teenage boy (Augustus) who did have cancer but then went away and he starts falling in love with the main character (Hazel). The other character is another teenage boy who is described as both main characters friend.
There is not that many that had been used for the film but there was one thing that was used for the whole part of the movie which is was a machine that was used for Hazel to breath easily.
The setting for this film trailer is mostly set in Amsterdam and in a hospital in America.
Tuesday, 4 November 2014
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Assignment 1 feedback: Learner response
-Super title/Font
-Need a main Flash/story
-Sort image at bottom of page
-Get i logo on there
-Make cover line consistent
I can put the i logo in the right hand corner and delete the sentence with i newspaper. I have decided to name the main flash story " See how much and wear this top is from!". I decided to make this my main flash story because the magazine cover is also about fashion and about things that teenagers love. I changed the cover lines to a different colour for the first words on the magazine covers. At the bottom I changed the pictures to making them bigger and by making them stand out. I still need to finish some off the work.
Monday, 22 September 2014
Minority Report shot-by-shot analysis
Shot 1
This shot is a medium and close-up shot. These show the police men look like there looking for someone very important and they look like they are looking for someone because they have came in a group. The police look like they are all armed, in case anything happen. We cant really see where the location is but we know that it is set at the train station.
Shot 2

This shot is a wide shot/ establishing shot. It looks like there are two people falling to the sky. We know this is a wide shot/ establishing shot because we can see the a car and a person at the back. Who is trying to run away. The location is a alleyway that is being improved.
Shot 3

I would say this is a close-up because it only shows the face. By looking at close-up we can see that the character is in the alleyway. This also show that alleyway is a dead end and he has been caught.
This is the trailer for the film (minority report):
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
The three pictures show that it is taken from a high shot. The first picture shows that the victim is getting attacked by the bully and it looks like the victim is about to fall.
The second picture shows us that the victim has fallen to the floor and is still getting bullied and is backing away, so she doesn't get hurt again.
The third one shows us that the victim is still on the floor, crying and a person is comforting her. this is shown in a high shot.
This is an Over the shoulder shot which is focusing on the girl who just got bullied showing her face expression as she just saw the guy who is comforting her.
This is a medium shot showing that the bully has seen the victim in the corridor again and is trying to say mean things about her again and bullying her.
The second picture shows us that the victim has fallen to the floor and is still getting bullied and is backing away, so she doesn't get hurt again.
The third one shows us that the victim is still on the floor, crying and a person is comforting her. this is shown in a high shot.
This is an Over the shoulder shot which is focusing on the girl who just got bullied showing her face expression as she just saw the guy who is comforting her.
This is a medium shot showing that the bully has seen the victim in the corridor again and is trying to say mean things about her again and bullying her.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Media language
The key convention that tells the audience that this is a Boohoo advert is the name on the bottom right. The slogan - Twentyfour seven fashion- tells the audience that it is a online shop and it is opened day and night everyday, the word fashion also tells us that they have different kinds of styles. The key images of this advert is two models that are wearing the clothes that is on the site. These models are used for this t.v print edit and are used for the actual site to show case the clothes that Boohoo offer. They layout the models with one of them having there hands over the other model and the other one just posing on a desert and with a town shown far away from them. The print advert also has there social networks where you can find them on, for example: Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
The institution behind this site is a company that opened there site two years ago. This company first came from Manchester then it became world wide because of there advertisements on the T.V. They sell online in Europe, America, Canada and Australia.
The target audience for this advertisement is 18-25 year old. Even though Boohoo have male clothing, I think that 70/30 of females/males would watch this and go on the site. Boohoo's T.V advert comes on every channel that advertise and I think that the middle class and upper class would watch this and use the site.
The representation of this advert is a white and black female. They may have put these to show that any color clothes they wear will look good on any race. There is no coverage of any male actors on this advert, this may be because female models wearing Boohoos clothing will attract more young adult females buy there clothing.
Thursday, 4 September 2014
Statement that I chose
" Newspapers are more interested in selling newspapers than reporting news truthfully."
I'm unsure about this statement because I think the newspapers do report the news truthfully but they give out to much information. For example the actor Robbie Williams committed suicide because he was depressed and because he didn't like the roles he got in the movies that he was offered . The newspaper took this story and wrote down everything they know about the suicide and what he did before he died. The newspapers sometimes twist the story to make it sound interesting and so that there newspapers can sell.
Friday, 29 August 2014
TV News research
A British news programme I have chose is channel 5 news.
1) The key information about the programme:
.) The channel it is broadcasted on:
It is broadcasted on channel 5.
.) The day(s) and time of broadcast:
Channel 5 news is broadcasted on weekdays at 6:30pm or comes on between programmes for 5 minutes.
.) The presenter or presenters:
The presenter of channel 5 news is Matt Barbet and Emma Corsby. Matt Barbet comes on at night and Emma Corsby comes on at 5 pm.
.) Average viewing figures:
The average viewing figures every week is 8,344 on channel five.
.) Any awards the programme has won:
Channel 5 news has not any awards for there news channel itself.
.) The logo brand identity of the programme:
The logo/brand has the number five in the middle with a white circle around it and next to it, it says news in white bold writing.
.) A video clip from YouTube of the show:
2) The institution behind the programme- this is usually the TV channel it is broadcasted on. Find out:
.) What year the channel was launched:
It was launched on the 30 of March 1997.
.) Who owns or runs the channel:
Channel five is owned by Northern & shell in America.
.) What the channel is famous for or associated with:
Channel five is famous for its crime watch dramas/movies.
.) The channel logo:
The channel logo of channel five is the number 5 in the middle of a circle that has the color pink.
.) A YouTube trailer advertising a show on the channel:
Shows name: Black market Britain Undercover sting
.)Any other information about the channel you can find:
It has three channels. first one is five star, the second one is 5 USA, the third one is channel 5+1.
3) The target audience:
The target audience for channel five is separated at different times;
Mornings would be 2-5 year old who like to watch cartoons, in the evening the target audience would roughly be 25-40. I think 60/100 of males to females would watch channel 5. I think this because males are more into crime scenes and they are more into the documentaries that happen after 6 in the evening.The social class for channel five would be middle class.
4) The running order for three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least 20 minutes of the programme on three separate days and write down the following:
Edition 1
.) The news stories that appeared:
.Police may be disciplined over Cliff Richard ' Witch hunt'.
.Violent protest in America over the death of a 18 year old boy who was shot by the police.
. Three men found guilty of killing a 24 year old mother last year on her birthday.
. 37 people where locked inside a truck from Afghanistan, it was told that they were aged between 1 to 72. The truck was found in Essex.
. The Scotland campaign says that 57% of people will vote no and 43% will roughly vote yes.
. Cancer has dropped by 30% this year.
. Women rugby team has the won world cup against Canada.
. Weather
Edition 2
. Police are examining the murder of James Foley. The UK are trying to keep young people away from being in terrorist groups.
. GCSE criticized after English results fell by two percent in a year.
. The boss of BBC has tried defending what had happened when BBC reporters arrived to Cliff Richards house before the police had came.
. 5 news travel to France to see the refugees that have been living illegally in France and that try to come to the UK illegally in trucks to have a better life.
. United manager went to Newcastle fans (Liam) funeral, who was in the Malaysian plane accident.
. Weather
Edition 3
. Islamic leaders try to use social media to show young Muslims in the UK what Islamic leaders do.
. Hunt for the terrorist who murdered James Foley. The terrorist group had sent an email to his family demanding they want a large amount of money, if the family had fail to do that then they would do many things to the country and the citizens.
. Malaysia are holding a minute silent for the 298 passengers that died on the plane. Most of the bodies have been sent to the families.
. Co-operative bank has had a loss of £75.8m and have lost 38000 costumers. The co-op bank have had a collapse.
. Paul Gascoigne has been taken to hospital as he was seen heavy drinking. Ambulance came in the middle of the street and took him straight to the hospital.
. Britain housing estates being criticized because of the safety of people and the sort of things that happen in there area.
. EDF has been told to pay back because they where asked how they manage complaints from customers and they had failed to do that.
. Breaking news: BBC has been accused of the cover up of Cliff Richards.
. Two boys have built a trench in their back garden with help from there father.
. Alistiar Darling nominates Alex salmond to do the ice bucket challenge. Alistiar Darling had ice thrown on him four times.
. Weather
.Why do you think the editors of the news programme chose those stories and put them in that order:
The order they put the news in is: National news, politic/education/entertainment and then the sport story.
They editors of the news programmes chose this story and put them in this order because the audience would want to know whats happening in the world, then they would want to know whats happening in the UK. The reason the national news comes first is because a lot of crisis has been going on in other countries then the UK.
.) The channel it is broadcasted on:
It is broadcasted on channel 5.
.) The day(s) and time of broadcast:
Channel 5 news is broadcasted on weekdays at 6:30pm or comes on between programmes for 5 minutes.
.) The presenter or presenters:
The presenter of channel 5 news is Matt Barbet and Emma Corsby. Matt Barbet comes on at night and Emma Corsby comes on at 5 pm.
.) Average viewing figures:
The average viewing figures every week is 8,344 on channel five.
.) Any awards the programme has won:
Channel 5 news has not any awards for there news channel itself.
.) The logo brand identity of the programme:
The logo/brand has the number five in the middle with a white circle around it and next to it, it says news in white bold writing.
.) A video clip from YouTube of the show:
2) The institution behind the programme- this is usually the TV channel it is broadcasted on. Find out:
.) What year the channel was launched:
It was launched on the 30 of March 1997.
.) Who owns or runs the channel:
Channel five is owned by Northern & shell in America.
.) What the channel is famous for or associated with:
Channel five is famous for its crime watch dramas/movies.
.) The channel logo:
The channel logo of channel five is the number 5 in the middle of a circle that has the color pink.
.) A YouTube trailer advertising a show on the channel:
Shows name: Black market Britain Undercover sting
.)Any other information about the channel you can find:
It has three channels. first one is five star, the second one is 5 USA, the third one is channel 5+1.
3) The target audience:
The target audience for channel five is separated at different times;
Mornings would be 2-5 year old who like to watch cartoons, in the evening the target audience would roughly be 25-40. I think 60/100 of males to females would watch channel 5. I think this because males are more into crime scenes and they are more into the documentaries that happen after 6 in the evening.The social class for channel five would be middle class.
4) The running order for three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least 20 minutes of the programme on three separate days and write down the following:
Edition 1
.) The news stories that appeared:
.Police may be disciplined over Cliff Richard ' Witch hunt'.
.Violent protest in America over the death of a 18 year old boy who was shot by the police.
. Three men found guilty of killing a 24 year old mother last year on her birthday.
. 37 people where locked inside a truck from Afghanistan, it was told that they were aged between 1 to 72. The truck was found in Essex.
. The Scotland campaign says that 57% of people will vote no and 43% will roughly vote yes.
. Cancer has dropped by 30% this year.
. Women rugby team has the won world cup against Canada.
. Weather
Edition 2
. Police are examining the murder of James Foley. The UK are trying to keep young people away from being in terrorist groups.
. GCSE criticized after English results fell by two percent in a year.
. The boss of BBC has tried defending what had happened when BBC reporters arrived to Cliff Richards house before the police had came.
. 5 news travel to France to see the refugees that have been living illegally in France and that try to come to the UK illegally in trucks to have a better life.
. United manager went to Newcastle fans (Liam) funeral, who was in the Malaysian plane accident.
. Weather
Edition 3
. Islamic leaders try to use social media to show young Muslims in the UK what Islamic leaders do.
. Hunt for the terrorist who murdered James Foley. The terrorist group had sent an email to his family demanding they want a large amount of money, if the family had fail to do that then they would do many things to the country and the citizens.
. Malaysia are holding a minute silent for the 298 passengers that died on the plane. Most of the bodies have been sent to the families.
. Co-operative bank has had a loss of £75.8m and have lost 38000 costumers. The co-op bank have had a collapse.
. Paul Gascoigne has been taken to hospital as he was seen heavy drinking. Ambulance came in the middle of the street and took him straight to the hospital.
. Britain housing estates being criticized because of the safety of people and the sort of things that happen in there area.
. EDF has been told to pay back because they where asked how they manage complaints from customers and they had failed to do that.
. Breaking news: BBC has been accused of the cover up of Cliff Richards.
. Two boys have built a trench in their back garden with help from there father.
. Alistiar Darling nominates Alex salmond to do the ice bucket challenge. Alistiar Darling had ice thrown on him four times.
. Weather
.Why do you think the editors of the news programme chose those stories and put them in that order:
The order they put the news in is: National news, politic/education/entertainment and then the sport story.
They editors of the news programmes chose this story and put them in this order because the audience would want to know whats happening in the world, then they would want to know whats happening in the UK. The reason the national news comes first is because a lot of crisis has been going on in other countries then the UK.
Wednesday, 2 July 2014
T.V news buttetin
1. What are the five stories your group chose to broadcast?
Greenford story: Rounders team won league
National story: Oscar Pitorius"suicidal risk"
London story: 23 year old died in east-London
Sport story: Belgium win and USA lose
Funny story: A women gives birth outside Primark in Birmingham
2. For each story above, explain why you chose that particular story and not something else. Why would it interest a Greenford audience?
Greenford news story: We chose this story because it is a new story that has just came out in Greenford high school and I think the Greenford audience would be interested because it is the first time that the rounders team played 8 games and won all of them.
National news story: We chose this story because the Olympic athlete trial has been going on for a year and it would probably interest the Greenford audience because it is about sports and everyone would want to know if he actually killed his girlfriend.
London news story: We chose this story because it is not everyday we hear a man getting killed because of a punching game online. The Greenford audience would be interested because they would want to know what caused to die or if he was committing suicide.
Sports news story: We chose this story because everyone thought that USA was going to win the game but everyone was surprised that Belgium won. The Greenford audience would be interested because everyone is supporting a football team and they would want to know who won.
Funny news story: We chose this story because this is the first time something like this has been heard on the news. I think that Greenford audience would like it because they would think something like this is unusual.
3. What order did you broadcast the story in? Why did you place the stories in order?
We put the Greenford news story first, then National news story, London news story, Sports story and then the Funny story last. We put them in that order because we wanted a happy story in the beginning and then it with a happy story at the end.
4. How did you make sure the script was the right length?
They timed how long it took me to say everything on the length.
5. How did you make sure each story was clear and easy to understand?
They made me to go over it, so I don't pause in the middle and I know what I am going to say.
6. How did you make sure the broadcast was professional?
We tried making the script professional as other news reporter would sound.
7. What was your specific role in the group?
My specific role was being the reporter in the group.#
8. Rate your group's ability to work collaboratively out of 5(1=poor, 5=excellent)
I would rate it 4 out of 5.
9. How could your group have worked effectively as a team?
I think we could have given more different ideas in the group.
10.Finally, what would you have done differently if you were given the opportunity to do this again?
I would have wanted to speak out clearly and not to fast and another thing I would have wanted to do is when I was reporting I should have stopped looking at the paper every second.
3. What order did you broadcast the story in? Why did you place the stories in order?
We put the Greenford news story first, then National news story, London news story, Sports story and then the Funny story last. We put them in that order because we wanted a happy story in the beginning and then it with a happy story at the end.
4. How did you make sure the script was the right length?
They timed how long it took me to say everything on the length.
5. How did you make sure each story was clear and easy to understand?
They made me to go over it, so I don't pause in the middle and I know what I am going to say.
6. How did you make sure the broadcast was professional?
We tried making the script professional as other news reporter would sound.
7. What was your specific role in the group?
My specific role was being the reporter in the group.#
8. Rate your group's ability to work collaboratively out of 5(1=poor, 5=excellent)
I would rate it 4 out of 5.
9. How could your group have worked effectively as a team?
I think we could have given more different ideas in the group.
10.Finally, what would you have done differently if you were given the opportunity to do this again?
I would have wanted to speak out clearly and not to fast and another thing I would have wanted to do is when I was reporting I should have stopped looking at the paper every second.
Tuesday, 1 July 2014
Textual Analysis
Film: Taken
The genre for this media text is film. This film is based on crime/action.This film is part education because it shows what happen to foreign women when they give out fill details to random people and then get kidnapped.
The Audience target for this film "taken" would probably be 18 to 30 year olds. This would appeal to people that love watching crime/action.60/40 of males to females would want to watch this film. I think more males would love movies like this because it has a lot fighting and shooting.
The film "taken" can be watched in the cinema,on Netflix,Love-film, on the T.V, tablet,phones and YouTube.As this is the trailer this would be watched more on YouTube and probably before a movie at the cinema and maybe on the T.V.
Song: Pretty Hurts Beyonce
The Genre for this music video would be POP.
The target audience for this music video would be 15-23 year olds. This music video would appeal to people who are into music and who are a Beyonce fan. 50/50 of females to males would watch/listen to this music video, this is because there are males and females that love Beyonce.
The music video" Pretty Hurts" can be watched on YouTube and it can be watched on music channels such as ; viva,4 music and MTV. The song pretty hurts can be listen to on any music video.
The film "taken" can be watched in the cinema,on Netflix,Love-film, on the T.V, tablet,phones and YouTube.As this is the trailer this would be watched more on YouTube and probably before a movie at the cinema and maybe on the T.V.
Film: The fault in our stars
The genre for this media text is film. This film is based on romantic/comedy.
The target audience for this film would be 13-20 year old. This film would appeal to people who love watching romantic movies with a twist. 90/10 of females to males would love watching this film. I think more younger females would love watching this film.
The film "The fault in our stars" could be watched in the Cinema, Netflix, Love film and on the T.V. The trailer for this film can be watched on YouTube,on T.V or before a film at the cinema.
The Genre for this music video would be POP.
The target audience for this music video would be 15-23 year olds. This music video would appeal to people who are into music and who are a Beyonce fan. 50/50 of females to males would watch/listen to this music video, this is because there are males and females that love Beyonce.
The music video" Pretty Hurts" can be watched on YouTube and it can be watched on music channels such as ; viva,4 music and MTV. The song pretty hurts can be listen to on any music video.
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Media Studies
1.Why did you choose GCSE Media studies?
I chose media studies because my friend took it this year and she said it is a interesting subject.
2.Which part of the course are you most looking forward to most?
I am looking forward to music video course the most.
3.What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?
I hope to learn how to edit videos in Media.
4.What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?
I am hoping to achieve a B in Media.
5. What was the last TV programme or film you watched?The last film I watched was "remember the Titans".
6.Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience?Because it might keep the audience interested in the programme or film.
7.What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (radio,tv,phone etc.)I used the TV to access to media in the last 24 hours.
8.What device do you use most to access the media?I use the TV the most to access the media.
9.What is the main news story on the BBC News website currently? Why do you think it is the main story?The main news story on the BBC news website is "Judges concern at Cameron comments"(of the hacking trail). This is the main story because the incident happened yesterday.
10.What is the main news story on the Guardian website ( currently? Why do you think it is the main story?
The main story on the Guardian website is an incident that happened at the World Cup yesterday,"Suarez bite".This is the main story because Suarez has bit other football players on the pitch before.
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