Friday, 29 August 2014

TV News research 

A British news programme I have chose is channel 5 news.
1) The key information about the programme:
.) The channel it is broadcasted on:
         It is broadcasted on channel 5.
.) The day(s) and time of broadcast:
     Channel 5 news is broadcasted on weekdays at 6:30pm or comes on between programmes for 5            minutes.
.) The presenter or presenters:
     The presenter of channel 5 news is Matt Barbet and Emma Corsby. Matt Barbet comes on at night     and Emma Corsby comes on at 5 pm.
.) Average viewing figures:
     The average viewing figures every week is 8,344 on channel five.
.) Any awards the programme has won:
     Channel 5 news has not any awards for there news channel itself.
.) The logo brand identity of the programme:
     The logo/brand  has the number five in the middle with a white circle around it and next to it, it          says news in white bold writing.

.) A video clip from YouTube of the show:

2) The institution behind the programme- this is usually the TV channel it is broadcasted on. Find            out:
.) What year the channel was launched:
    It was launched on the 30 of March 1997.
.) Who owns or runs the channel:
    Channel five is owned by Northern & shell in America.
.) What the channel is famous for or associated with:
     Channel five is famous for its crime watch dramas/movies.
.) The channel logo:
     The channel logo of channel five is the number 5 in the middle of a circle that has the color pink.

.) A YouTube trailer advertising a show on the channel:

                                           Shows name: Black market Britain Undercover sting

.)Any other information about the channel you can find:
   It has three channels. first one is five star, the second one is 5 USA, the third one is channel 5+1.

3) The target audience:
     The target audience for channel five is separated at different times;
     Mornings would be 2-5 year old who like to watch cartoons, in the evening the target audience            would   roughly be 25-40. I think 60/100 of males to females would watch channel 5. I think this        because males are more into crime scenes and they are more into the documentaries that happen           after 6 in the evening.The social class for channel five would be middle class.

4) The running order for three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least 20 minutes of the programme on three separate days and write down the following:

Edition 1
 .)   The news stories that appeared:
 .Police may be disciplined over Cliff Richard ' Witch hunt'.
  .Violent protest in America over the death of a 18 year old boy who was shot by the police.
  . Three men found guilty of killing a 24 year old mother last year on her birthday.
  . 37 people where locked inside a truck from Afghanistan, it was told that they were aged between         1 to 72. The truck was found in Essex. 
  .  The Scotland campaign says that 57% of people will vote no and 43% will roughly vote yes.
 . Cancer has dropped by 30% this year.
  Women rugby team has the won world cup against Canada.
 . Weather
Edition 2 
 . Police are examining the murder of James Foley. The UK are trying to keep young people away         from being in terrorist groups.
  . GCSE criticized after English results fell by two percent in a year.
 . The boss of BBC has tried defending what had happened when BBC reporters arrived to Cliff             Richards house before the police had came. 
 . 5 news travel to France to see the refugees that have been living illegally in France and that try to       come to the UK illegally in trucks to have a better life.
  . United manager went to Newcastle fans (Liam) funeral, who was in the Malaysian plane accident.
  . Weather

Edition 3
 . Islamic leaders try to use social media to show young Muslims in the UK what Islamic leaders           do.
  . Hunt for the terrorist who murdered James Foley. The terrorist group had sent an email to his               family demanding they want a large  amount of money, if the family had fail to do that then they         would do many things to the country and the citizens.
  . Malaysia are holding a minute silent for the 298 passengers that died on the plane. Most of the             bodies have been sent to the families.
  . Co-operative bank has had a loss of £75.8m and have lost 38000 costumers. The co-op bank have       had a collapse.
  . Paul Gascoigne has been taken to hospital as he was seen heavy drinking. Ambulance came in the       middle of the street and took him straight to the hospital.
  . Britain housing estates being criticized because of the safety of people and the sort of things that         happen in there area.
  . EDF has been told to pay back because they where asked how they manage complaints from               customers and they had failed to do that.
  . Breaking news: BBC has been accused of the cover up of Cliff Richards.
  . Two boys have built a trench in their back garden with help from there father.
   Alistiar Darling nominates Alex salmond to do the ice bucket challenge. Alistiar Darling had ice        thrown on him four times.
  . Weather

.Why do you think the editors of the news programme chose those stories and put them in that order:
  The order they put the news in is: National news, politic/education/entertainment and then the sport     story.

They editors of the news programmes chose this story and put them in this order because the audience would want to know whats happening in the world, then they would want to know whats happening in the UK. The reason the national news comes first is because a lot of crisis has been going on in other countries then the UK.